
Sunday, July 31, 2011 6:23 PM

-Feeling empty or numb 
-Feeling hopeless (like there's nothing to look forward to)
-Feeling guilty or worthless
-Feeling lonely or unloved
-Feeling irritable and annoyed a lot (every little thing gets on your nerves)
-Feeling like things are not fun anymore
-Having trouble keeping your mind on schoolwork or homework or getting -bad grades
-Having trouble keeping your mind on things like reading or watching TV or -not remembering what a book or a TV show was about
-Having less energy and feeling tired all the time
-Sleeping too much or not enough
-Not eating enough and weight loss or eating too much and weight gain
-Thinking about death or thinking about suicide
-Spending less time with friends and more time alone
-Crying a lot, often for no reason
-Feeling restless (being unable to sit still or relax)
-Having certain body feelings, like lots of stomachaches, headaches, or chest pain

0 lovely notes

You're showered with love

Friday, July 8, 2011 11:32 AM

Hey good morning guys . Sorry for the 2 late posting notice yeahs . I wasn't trying to find excuse for myself , LOL !! Instead , I was sick and was sonomamado-lazy to post . Now now , I've found loads of pic(s) to satisfy myself only , LOL !! :3

Grown up Colonello & miniatureeee ! Cuteass (Y)

Sonomamado Skull (L) Another one of my favourites but who appear to seem as an idoit in front of Reborn ! Be stronger , Skull ! :>

As usual , Gokudera & Hibari is not happy . Gokudera must be thinking : " Why the hell is Rokudo Mukuro & baseball-nut here !? " & Hibari hates crowding :$

Heeheehees ! :> Left to right : Flan , Belphegor and ... (guess!!)


Arcobaleno - Tempesta

Vongola 10th Storm Guardian - Anello di Tempesta !
(Angel , you better be happy !! :O )

Luche , the Firmamento (sky) Arcobaleno which never appears once because she's already dead . And her daughter , Aria , and her grand-daughter , Uni . Uni resembles Luche a lot except for her ponytail ^^ You know I was like wondering , among all the Arcobalenos , only Reborn & Luche's eyes are different from the others . Because Reborn & Luche were more of like round round sorttie .

NO EXCEPTION ! Ofc , the main character has to be at the front ! ♥ Get what I mean ? :D

0 lovely notes