I'm special because this is just me

Wednesday, May 4, 2011 10:18 PM

Hello Baby Girl <33 
Well, this is dedicated to my dear baby sister from the OinkOinkOink house! I know you might be looking or reading or snooping away but I wanna write this. I know your birthday is not near yet but I still want to do this. Even though you're not that pretty, not that selfish, not that petty but you're so adorable! And I love love love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Heehee, see you on Monday. I love the tiny mini egg-like plant you gave it to me. I shall take good care of it! <3

Well, so life is so harsh on me. Lemme tell you something. A little girl, Jxn, has 6 good friends. Those are friend Aa, Ai, Yye, Ja, Xni & Hew. Jxn cherished and treasured them a lot even though she do play a few mini pranks on them that might sometimes anger them. But Jxn doesn't do it on purpose, she wanted her friends to be happy and laugh together with her. Jxn is not a very kind or a very great girl. She's pretty shy and quiet with boys. She doesn't interact much with boys, hence she has a lower number of male friends to female friends. When her friend, Aa cried, she comforted her and told her jokes. When Xni is feeling down, Jxn always comforted her. But of all of the things she had done, nobody appreciated or even say a sincere word of thanks. Yes, they did say thanks but without any happy sincerity. Jxn was sad but yet happy. She said, "I don't mind as long as they are happy, I'm fine." During projects, discussions or anything that has to do with forming a group, Jxn has a problem. Aa, Ai, Yye, Ja, Xni & Hew doesn't invite her to their groups yet the 6 of them are in the same group. Jxn felt so left out, she felt she doesn't belong to any part of their heart, not even a tiny space in the large room in the heart. Because sometimes Jxn is being irritated by the boys in her class, she has been hostile to them for quite a moment. Hence, the boys didn't like her very much and the rest of the girls created rumours that could harm and hurt her innocent little feeling... And so, she had been thinking, "I shouldn't have come to this school, I shouldn't have met Aa, I shouldn't be even born!!" Everything links up, don't you think?

So why take everything for granted? Cherish everyone around you before they are gone!

0 lovely notes